Research is beginning to demonstrate a connection between lifestyle habits - exercise levels and nutritional patterns - that seem to have an effect on cancer occurrence. For example, a 2008 report cited in the Daily Mail in the United Kingdom revealed that men working in office jobs experienced a higher rate of prostate cancer than men that moved around during their workday. These results are in line with an American Cancer Society study that estimates that a third of all cancers can be traced to inactivity and nutritional shortcomings.
I'm not a physician, but it seems to me that "Just Doing It" - to paraphrase the Nike slogan - is a free and easy way to prevent yourself from becoming one of the one-in-six men who will experience prostate cancer. So, if you work in an office, it's time to get moving!
If you like to bicycle, consider joining us in August 2009 at the Tour of Skyline Drive in Virginia. We'll spend two days riding along the Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park.
Remember to "Test. Track. Treat. Live." Track your PSA annually and look for a change of .75 or more, and ask your colleagues (35 and older) if they are testing.
Best regards, Robert
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