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I just finished watching Mike Anderson’s movie, Healing Cancer, and I must say that it made a major impact on my thinking.
If you have read my short bio on the blog, you know my prostate cancer background. After my treatment, I searched for ways that I could affect the potential future recurrence of my prostate cancer. The only options I found were diet and exercise, because I wasn’t in the position to change my environment either by lowering work stress or by physically moving to a new location (I live in Manhattan Beach, CA).
I adopted a vegetarian diet and got back on my bicycle. Within 6 months I had dropped to 142 pounds, my weight at the time I graduated from college and entered the US Army. I felt great, although I looked a bit thin to most people (that’s why you see me sporting a beard - it makes my face look a bit fuller).
However, over the past year I relaxed my diet to include chicken, turkey, and an occasional fling with red meat, but also more non-vegetable carbohydrates and, of course, the cheese that I love. The result? My weight has increased to 158 pounds (my normal weight at surgery was 162 pounds - I stand 5’10“).
Yesterday, I reverted to my vegetarian regime and I’ll follow my progress on this blog. I would be very interested in hearing from other PCa survivors about their reflections on Mike Anderson’s research.
Best regards, Robert.
PS: If you are a motorcyclist, check out http://www.tourdeusa.org. I'll be riding across the US and back in 2010 to get guys thinking about prostate cancer. I would love to have company along the way.
July Prostatepedia
This month we’re talking about advances in hormonal therapy. Read the
issue. Join us. Here’s Dr. Snuffy Myers’s introduction. In July,
8 years ago
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