Saturday, October 24, 2009

What We Eat and Do May be the Real Strategy for Beating Cancer

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“No matter how strange something is, if you give it enough time it becomes normal. American’s have now accepted heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases as a normal part of American life.” (1)

Now approaching six years as a prostate cancer survivor and amateur student of wellness and cancer recurrence prevention, I have arrived at the conclusion that our best chance at avoiding or defeating this disease rests with our own habits.

I’ve been looking at this issue for five years now, and I recently read books by David Servan-Schreier, MD, PhD, Anti Cancer: A New Way of Life, and the RAVE Diet and Lifestyle by Mike Anderson.

I’ll be summarizing what my key takeaways from these books over the next series of posts, and I encourage your feedback - even “pushback.” I’ll also be posting some of my personal recipes for “quick eats that are so easy "Even a Guy can do them!”

Best regards, Robert

Anderson, Mike, The RAVE Diet,, August, 2004.

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